Private Lessons with SwingX
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Why private lessons?
Private lessons are ideal for:
- Accelerated learning -- especially if you have experience in other dance styles
- Fixing specific bad habits
- Getting a "dance check up"
- Improving the lead/follow connection
- Learning exercises you can work on that are specifically geared to you
- Dancing better with your regular partner -- because you can discover what quirks you have as a dance couple, and I can give you things to work on together.
- Preparing to compete -- I've judged a lot of competitions so I can also help you understand how to do better competitively.
- Social dancing better with everyone -- I can help you learn tricks for adapting to social dancing with a variety of partners, something that's been a priority for me from day one as a dancer.
- Making the dance work better for you -- In particular if you have injuries I can often help you optimize your dancing to reduce or eliminate pain.
Dance Styles
We teach private lessons in Lindy Hop, WCS, Balboa, Blues, Solo Jazz, Collegiate Shag, and acrobatics, including lifts, drops and Lindy Hop aerials. Obviously for acrobatics adequate space is required!